On Bootstrapping

gerund or present participle: bootstrapping
  1. 1. get (oneself or something) into or out of a situation using existing resources.
    “the company is bootstrapping itself out of a marred financial past”
    One of the blessings of bootstrapping your entrepreneurial endeavor is that it forces you to have to think about the sustainability of your ideas.

If every campaign you run must make at least a small profit in order to keep you in business, you tend to be a lot more careful about where you were willing to flow your money and resources.

It also encourages one to think about and aim for profitability right off the bat.

Yes, being a bootstrapping entrepreneur will train you into being a badass!

The key to bootstrapping successfully? Only focus on the resources you DO have.

What we focus on expands.

We tend to think that financial resources are the only resources we have (or are the only resources we are lacking).

But social capital (aka Who you know, who knows you, who trusts you, who is willing to work with/follow you, etc) and intellectual capital (what you can imagine, create and envision) are how you CREATE financial resources.

To my Dynamo and Blaze genius friends, I’m talking to YOU!

You have way more value than your bank account, and that will never NOT be true.

Remember this. Practice knowing it more and more often.

Bootstrappin’ love to you all my friends!

-Radiant Rebecca

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